The most famous organizations are
This website provide a lot of infomation and that is a channel for you to make a donation or selling some products suited to a healthy lifestyle and reflecting an environmental sensibility. (Root Direct) is one of their partner who offering the products. (donation is tax deductible for Malaysian)
A worldwide organization, WWF conserve Malaysia’s natural resources to protect our good quality of life and our children’s bright future by leaving them a living planet
Hi all, please sign up and be a part of the supporter to help the world.
I think most of us who always access to internet should have an msn messenger account.
There is a way to for you to make donation while chit chat with your friends.
Upgrade your msn to live messenger. Place a text code into your display pic.
*help -
After you add the text code, you will see the icon as below shows in your display name.
Then you can start to help the world while chit chats with your friends. :P
This is because Microsoft will donate a portion of the program's advertising revenue to the organization. Starts do it now because it won’t “eat” your money, you just continue your IM with friends but you did a good job as well.
Although this activities is only for US resident, but we are hopping it can spread to around the world.
By the way, I saw a blog before which telling us the “trick” to become US resident which is change your info in msn account to US country. Actually I’m don’t know this is work or not and I’m not teaching you lie to Microsoft. It is just a sharing :P
Another engine:
The FriendsGreen Search Engine ( is an online activism site that gives Internet users a free and easy way to help fight Global Warming and to save the Rainforests. Merely by getting in the habit of using to search the internet, users can donate proceeds from their searches to fund a portfolio of reforestation projects.
Try offen to use it if you can.
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